Pleasure craft
On board of your yacht or sailboat you do not want to think about the possibility of ending up in an emergency situation. Nevertheless, it is better to prepare yourself for this, by having adequate and properly maintained life-saving equipment at your disposal. Jacobs LifeSaving can assist you with this.
Life raft inspections
Jacobs LifeSaving is the right place for the inspection of your life raft! With our years of experience, we have built up extensive expertise in performing raft inspections. You can come to us with any brand of life raft and our services are recognised by important marine authorities such as: Nederlandse Scheepvaart Inspectie, ClassNK, RMRS and equipped with ISO 9001:2015.
- Experienced with various brands of rafts
- Your raft always in perfect condition
- Winter storage of your raft is possible
Inspection of life jackets
Just like life rafts, you can have your life jackets professionally inspected at Jacobs LifeSaving. In addition to your life raft, these are the main life-saving equipment on board to ensure your safety when you need to leave your vessel. That is why it is important that your life jackets are in in prime condition at all times.
- Inspection by experienced professionals
- Specialised in all types of life jackets
Rent a life raft
A good life raft is a considerable investment, especially if, for example, you only go out on the water sporadically. In some cases, you can therefore save money by renting your life raft. At Jacobs LifeSaving this can be done on a flexible basis and usually even until shortly before departure!
- Short-term rental possible
- a bargain for the occasional captain
Our webshop
In addition to the inspections that we perform, we also supply life-saving equipment for pleasure craft. All our products have the necessary inspections and are ISO certified. With our products you can go sailing with a safe feeling. View our assortment of products.
- Compleet assortiment aan reddingsmiddelen
- Uitsluitend hoogwaardige, gecertificeerde producten
- Aanbod van reddingsmiddelen voor zowel de binnen als buitenvaart